CSS - "From Science to Business: A Journey of (Unexpected) Fancies and Opportunities”
- Date: Nov 23, 2023
- Time: 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Dr. Erik Noeldeke
- Senior Business Development Manager at Leukocare AG
- Location: online only
- Room: -
When contemplating a move from academia to industry, many scientists struggle to identify matching job opportunities based on their scientific skill-set. Most industry job postings aim at skills that we scientists sometimes don't even realize we actually have!In my presentation I will tell you about how a crystallographer went to stabilize therapeutic antibodies and subsequently left the lab to go look for clients and business partners - all in the arc of two years. Sometimes it takes a radical change of context to discover unsuspected skills and passions. About the speaker: Erik did his PhD within the IMPRS "From Molecules to Organisms" in the lab of Prof. Thilo Stehle at the University of Tübingen. In 2020 he started at Leukocare AG as a Scientist and after two years he continued as Business Development Manager."
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