
Predatory behaviour is an inherited trait across multiple generations in nematodes

Study highlights the role of long-term environmental changes in the evolution of predatory behaviour in nematodes.

Yellow robot arm in a laboratory with artificial plants on the floor.

Grant helps to take AI-based harvesting robot Polybot from research-phase to startup-phase more

New research group at the Friedrich Miescher Laboratory explores the evolution of limb regeneration

Can Aztekin heads the new research group “Structural Regeneration” investigating the evolution and capabilities of lost limb regrowth across species. more

More women directors than ever before

The share of women in leadership positions at the Max Planck Society continues to grow more

New research group leader at the Friedrich Miescher Laboratory of the Max Planck Society

Beatrice Ramm joins the Friedrich Miescher Laboratory in 2025 as its 3rd Research Group Leader. more

How human activity has shaped Brazil Nut forests’ past and future

Genomic analyses reveal the vital role of human activity in the Amazonian species’ genetic makeup. more

Symbioses and gene transfer in leaf beetles

In the course of evolution, leaf beetles found the key to digesting plants better with the help of bacteria more

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