DSSS - Investigating the history and evolution of infectious disease through ancient genomics

  • Datum: 25.10.2024
  • Uhrzeit: 15:00 - 16:00
  • Vortragende: Dr. Maria Spyrou
  • University of Tübingen
  • Ort: NO.002, MPI für Intelligente Systeme
 DSSS - Investigating the history and evolution of infectious disease through ancient genomics
In recent years, major methodological advancements in the recovery and sequencing of ancient DNA have transformed our understanding of the human past. At present, thousands of genomic datasets have been generated from ancient human biological samples, including whole genomes of human pathogens which may persist in the remains of infected hosts long after their death. This presentation will explore how metagenomic studies and the generation of ancient pathogen genomes have reshaped our understanding of the evolution and history of infectious disease. Currently, the most extensively studied pathogen through ancient genomics is the bacterium Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague. The growing availability of ancient Y. pestis genomes has afforded insights into the bacterium’s early evolution, as well as the emergence and progression of historical pandemics, offering perspectives on the bacterium’s past genetic diversity and its role in shaping both extinct and still surviving disease reservoirs worldwide. The example of Y. pestis shows how ongoing interdisciplinary efforts can help unravel the processes that have shaped the contemporary landscape of infectious diseases. In this capacity, they provide a framework for examining the challenges that pathogens have continuously posed on human societies through millenia.
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